Saturday, March 29, 2008

Holy Crap

What a bunch of mean bullies. Mean. And Intimidating. And Bullies. And mean. Just mean, mean bully people. *burp* *hic*

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Woooooo Hoooooooo

She's on her way to superstardom. A little something about Lisa's book:

WAKE is now a New York Times Bestseller. It's #9 on the list (children's chapter book) for the April 6 edition.

One woman's Hell is another's Nirvana

That is what I told Michelle last night.
You know that game that gets played everywhere? The one where you say what would be the one this or that if you were stranded on an island? So I am much more of a pessimist and much more morbid so I asked her what would be the "ones" if she were in hell. She says it would be 90 degrees, her one food would be fish, her one drink would be milk, her one type of music would be country. She asked me my "ones" and if I were stuck in hell my one food would be mushrooms or raisins, drink would be water (she loves water), it would 60 degrees, music would be opera, etc. etc. etc.
We sort of looked at each other and laughed at how completely opposite our likes and dislikes really are. One woman's Hell is another's Nirvana.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Because let's be honest, who doesn't love a random?

1. This past weekend was "weekend with the Aunties" at our house. We had our 11 year old niece. We went to the zoo and had a wonderful time. I guess the highlight was deciding which monkey most resembled her Mother and teasing Auntie Carey by telling her that she had a terd in her trousers. (no, I didn't really. *glares at Breezy) But it made her laugh so we went with it.

2. Fuck you, peanut butter eggs. I am on a diet. First, the girl scout cookies show up the first week of my diet. Now the See's candy Easter egg that I had to buy for my niece's school, showed up. Hmmm, I get to eat 21 points per day. By my calculations the peanut butter egg is about 4000 points. Hrmph.

3. I have a crush on a guy. He is in the phone commercial. I don't know if you all get it and I can't even remember which phone company it is. It advertises about how you have so many minutes that you end up oversharing on the phone. So the guy calls his date from the night before and acts like a total dolt. But everytime he says something stupid, he realizes it and then hangs up and calls back. Just to say something else stupid. i.e. he tells her "you ate like a horse last night" then he makes a funny face and says "you should never say that to ANY woman". Anyhow, he cracks me up and I have a crush on him.

4. At what point when reading a book do you give up on it? I am about 85 pages into A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. It really isn't for me. I am not enjoying it but feel like I started so I should finish it. Unfortunately, everytime I pick it up to read it, I end up falling asleep after about 3 pages. And it takes about 20 minutes to read the 3 pages because I keep reading the same sentence over and over again. I thought this would be a great book for me to read since I am on this self improvement kick. But really, I think I might give up on the book. Soon.

5. I didn't realize that I was numbering my randoms. So now I don't know if I should label this as "Randoms" or as "A List".

6. I received an email this morning from someone who I have not had contact with in about 10 years. He is a complete and total moron. I don't know, maybe it's just me but if I had not had contact with someone in 10 years and I decided to send them an email, there are a few rules I would follow:
6a. Spell the recipient's name correctly. What makes this worse is that he sent it to my work email and my work email is my first name @ company CAREY@COMPANYNAME.COM. And he starts the email with "Hi Carie". Moron.
6b. Use spell check, use punctuation.
6c. Perhaps redneck, racist remarks are also uncalled for. Moron.

7. I have moved past the easy difficulty level on Guitar Hero. I am now almost an expert in the medium difficulty. Breezygirl is soooooooo gonna get her butt whipped by an old fart when I see her. She just wishes she was a rockstar like Auntie Carey.

8. Natalie from Big Brother is not as dumb as her voice would make her appear. Figuring out that the number 8 means something this year in the house and figuring out that the number 8 also leads to Evil Dick returning was quite brilliant on her part. Really.

9. Because I love to end a random on number 9.

I did not use spellcheck nor punctuation check on this post. Just in case someone whom I've had no contact with in the last 10 years shows up.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ode to my Duckling

I'm holding this place for a post about my date with our favorite author. From here forward she will be known as my Duckling. *giggle*

Ok, so life has been keeping very busy these days. I am hoping that at some point in the next week I will get to visit all of the blogs that I have been missing. *waves to everybody who I miss*

My date with my Duckling:
I'm not if sure there are words to describe our evening. LOL. I will say that if any of you get a chance to spend time with my Duckling, do it damnit. Lisa is an absolute hoot. I can't tell you how many times I had tears running down my face from laughing. Of course, that could have been the vinegar that she forced me to drink. Yes, the Wheezus made me drink vinegar to prove my devotion to her. She funny, The Wheezus. She also demanding, The Wheezus. *grin*
We went to my favorite little Chinese restaurant for dinner. Unfortunately, My Duckling insisted on ordering the peking duck. I guess in her part of the world ducks have no bones because as soon as she took a bite she spit her mouthful of food across the table, exclaming "IT HAS BONES." I knew we were in trouble after that. She claims that she has cooked duck before. As most of you know, I have problems distinguishing between farm animals. It appears that my Duckling may have the same problem. I bet the ducks that she has cooked are like the McRib sammiches at McDonalds. You know the ones, pressed to look like a rack of ribs but not a bone in sight? That would be a Wheezus Duck. *blink*
Anyhow, there are just some parts of our date that I can not discuss here. I mean, she is on the verge of being all famous and stuff and if someone were to read about parts of our date, it could be scandlous for her. Plus, I want to be the one who sells the info to the rag magazines.
I also have to mention that I am officially in love with her husband. I have a little nickname for him that I am not going to share here. He and I actually bonded before I ever even got to meet my Duckling. *waves to Matty*
I really can't say enough about my Duckling. (she won't believe that because after spending time with me she probably can not believe that I am ever at a loss for words. *snort* ) Lisa is just so fantastic. I was told before meeting her that if I loved her online that I would love her even more in person. And that couldn't be more true. From the minute that I handed her the Happy Meal prize that I got especially for her, I felt comfortable and at ease. She is someone who you want to spend time with, who you want to get to know, who you want to hang out with.
We definitely talked about all of you. Of course. And most of it was good. *grin*
I know there is so much more that I want to write about so maybe I will edit as I think of things. There were just so many things. Her book, her friends, my friends, food, books, OT, blogs, family, lifestyles, crazy mothers, poots. Yes, My duckling and I even discussed poots. *snort*
So I see she stopped by. I also know she is a very busy little duckling so I don't know if she will be able to stop by again. If so, thank you Duckling for a great date. I hope we have the opportunity to get together again soon. Send my love to my Matty as well. *grin*

Monday, March 10, 2008


The new book by our friend, Lisa McMann (aka Wheezy) . I read it!!!! Now it's your turn.
I read the book this weekend and enjoyed it immensly and so now I am telling all of you to run out and get your copy. GO!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Yay for the fun people

Yay for the fun peeps starting threads on OT. It's like the old days. *happy sigh*
And yes, I just called all of you old.