Friday, September 26, 2008

Still no word

I took down the other post because I think it was a little too personal. I'll be taking care of the issue though.
Otherwise, still no word. I got an email on Wednesday saying they are still in the decision process and will let me know as soon as they make a decision.

Monday, September 22, 2008

So far, so good

So things went pretty well at the interview today. They are still trying to decide whether they are going to hire within but they seemed impressed with my qualifications. One bummer though is that they loved that I am very well schooled in our health and safety program and that I know how to deal with all of the government agencies and keep them happy. That's a bummer because that is probably one of my least favorite parts of my current job. But, he said that was a huge selling point for them to hire me over the guy from within. So that is sort of a good and bad thing. I was hoping I would lose that aspect of my job when going somewhere else. But if that is one of the big selling points for me then I would have to suck it up and deal with it.
I really liked the plant and all of the people who I spoke to. I already have one friend there because he used to work for my company and he is the one who referred me to the plant manager and President.
The money part of it is just so damn huge that I almost think I would take on anything they wanted just to make that kind of money. I won't say what my salary would be but I will say that what we discussed would be a minimum of $20,000 more than what I am making now. That is just such a huge leap that it would be stupid to turn it down.
The company itself has 71 locations in 26 states and is not a dying company which seems to be what is happening in my industry.
The atmosphere was totally casual. Everyone except the President was in jeans. They even have a shop dog that just seems to wander all over the place. And everybody walks up and pats it on the head and then goes about their business. It's in a cool location in San Francisco. Super easy to get to and from. I was home within 15 minutes. It's very close to AT&T Park which is where the Giants play. It has a bunch of cool little bars and cafes and parks around it too.
Honestly, the only downer seemed to be that I wouldn't be getting surf the internet and emailing during the day anymore. Maybe later, maybe but certainly I wouldn't have the freedom that I do now. :(
But I can't let that one thing taint my decision. I should know by the end of the week whether or not they are going to make me an offer. I realized today that this is the first time in my life that I have applied for a position that was not entry level. I was applying as a professional with a set of skills that was sought after. How strange.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Color me nervous. I have a job interview on Monday. A much more stable company than where I am now. A LOT more money, better benefits, closer to home. All kinds of yummy goodness. I would be doing basically what I do now but they do have different equipment and capabilities than what I am used to dealing with. But I have 13 years experience in my current position and what I do now would be a part of what I would do there. I feel super confident in what I know and based on that I feel confident that I would pick up the new stuff rather quickly.
I just have to keep reminding myself that I have the qualifications and I would be an asset. And if I don't get the job, I still have a job so it's okay. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah. I skeert.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Random pictures.

Grrr, I can't get the comments to line up with the pictures.

Kim in our weird chair.

MM in our weird chair.

How not to hold a baby. (not my most flattering picture, I admit)

How to hold a baby.

My niece and I are always goofing with each other.
Leo the lounge kitty.
Messing with poor Buddy.
Poopy wants her bed even if it means being on the balcony.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right.

First out of the chute...RIP to all of those who lost their life 7 years ago.

The hot tub is freaking awesome. I haven't slept that well in years. I slpet right through the entire night with no tosses, no turns. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

The new attitude at work seems to be working for me. I don't feel as miserable and I am feeling like more a part of the team and the solution rather than the problem. My input around here is being received with more respect and more weight than before. The only bummer is that now I am in the main office instead of my semi-private one. As a result I don't get to play as much. *pout*

I still have to upload pictures of this and that. I haven't had a chance. Stay tuned, I'll probably just post some random pics. :)

I don't get to get around to the blogs as much as I used to. It is very hit and run. I can run and check now and again at work but not like before. At home I have been keeping so busy that surfing the net doesn't happen as much as before. :(

OT. I liked the idea that Monsty had. It should close down for two months prior to all elections. OT used to be fun. Now 90% of the front page is politics. It's not a fun place to go so I don't even miss it anymore. I go everyday, I see what's there and then don't bother coming back when I scan page one and nothing has changed. OT will probably end up a thing of the past for me except for Twosdays. I miss how it used to be but since that isn't the OT of late I have to just deal with it and move on. R.I.P. OT, you were once fun. Sorry, but Geg, PRE, Hobbs, Singer, Rudy and a few of other OTers (who I can't think of at this moment) have ruined it for a lot of people. Assholes.

Ending on a good note...We both were so happy to have our first night in the hot tub last night. We opened a bottle of our favorite Almond champagne, hopped in the tub and absolutely relaxed. So wonderful.