Sunday, July 30, 2006

What's in a name?

When you email and/or talk on the phone and/or hangout with fellow posters, what name do you use (their real name, or their posting name) and what do you prefer to be called?

For me, if someone has given me a personalized nickname, I prefer that they use that. Otherwise, I don't mind either my real name or my user nickname of Knockers or any of the various nicknames that have been given to me. There ARE certain people who I do not want calling me Knockers but they know who they are and why I don't want them to call me that name.

So what about you?

Fuck. On an unrelated note, another row of dead pixels has now shown up on my computer screen. The first one was a vertical blue line down the right side of the computer. The new one is a vertical red line down the left side. *sigh*
Since it's a laptop, I have to send the entire computer in to get fixed, not just the screen. Waaaaah. It could take a couple of weeks to get get it to them, have it fixed and have it sent back. *pout*

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Funerals are no fun

I had to go to a funeral last night for my friend's Father. It was very interesting to me. They are Tongan. Tonga for those who don't know, is a small Polynesian island in the Pacific near New Zealand. I only mention their heritage because the funeral was centered around it and it is always interesting to me to attend cermenonies of other cultures. For those unfamiliar with the Tongan people, the only way I can describe their general appearance is that they have a similar look as native Hawaiins and in general tend to be large people.
The entire funeral was in their language so I understood nothing. Nada. Not a word.
But it was still very cool. All of the people in the funeral home had on a ceremonial outfit which could best be described as tightly weaved straw wraps. They wrap this outfit around the entire lower portions of their bodies. Some were just very basic, others were very elaborate. I was the only blonde in the entire place and only one of five people (that I could see) who was not Tongan. The place was packed. Like 300 people packed. But if anyone was looking for me, they would have had no problem finding me. HA.
Anyhow, a priest comes out and talks (no clue what he said) and then when he is done the entire place starts to sing. Then another man came up and talked and then everyone would sing. This process repeated itself over and over again. And then every once in awhile people would file out of the pews and walk up to the casket, (open, *makes face)undrape it, lean over and kiss him and then redrape the casket and return to their seats.
I didn't understand one word of the singing but I have to tell you that it was beautiful and it sounded spiritual and joyous. I was really getting into that. And they all seemed in tune with each other. Very cool.
And then every member of the family would get up and talk. Um, Tongans don't have small families. It was a 3 hour service. 3 HOURS!!!!.
I'll say this; Tongans are super friendly at their services. The people sitting around me were so nice to me and then they kept trying to feed me. They kept telling me to go out to the truck and get some food. *snort* Even when I was leaving they kept telling me "go to the truck and take food with you. You must take our food."
I am not a tiny woman by normal standards but compared to Tongans, I am an underfed waif. The average size of the Tongan women there was at least 250lbs. I couldn't tell if they were being hospitable or if they were afraid that I was going to just poof away. *snort*
I couldn't find the food truck damnit. I looked though because there is nothing better than roasted pig and poi. I wish I could have found the food truck.
I've rambled enough. After all of that rambling, my point was that it is interesting to attend ceremonies which are of different cultures.
Today I am either helping Michelle's brother put down sod in his front yard or I am going shopping. I'm not sure yet.

Friday, July 28, 2006

An update? *gasp*

I've had quite a bit on my plate this last week and updating, just wasn't an option.

On to my big issue of the week: Gmail

I was hesitant to sign up for gmail. It was different and new and I didn't want to do it. Alas, Yahoo was sucking ass so I switched. Once I got used to the new format, I must admit that I liked it much better than any other service I have had. It's all so neat and clean and has cool features that I can't explain. You just have to experience it.
BUT...Google has really been sucking ass lately. Between Gmail and Blogger, it's been frustrating. I want to keep my gmail account but if the problems that I have been having continue, I'm going to have to dump them.
I understand that they are in the beta phase. But come on now. This is Google. And gmail is NOT all that new anymore. Get your shit together Google. The last thing that I want to do is switch to my user unfriendly Comcast account.

What important things have been going on in your lives?

Oh, and a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Catt and Momma.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

It's like a heat wave

Temps here in the Bay Area have been hitting record highs. Today, we are going to a bday party where it is supposed to be 101 degrees and 72% humidity. We San Franciscans aren't used to that. And no, we have no A/C.
I hate being inside when it is sunny outside but it's just too damn hot to be outside.
I'll have to suggest some indoor activities until it is time to go to our party late this afternoon.
I don't have much else to talk about. Just not feeling all that talkative or social lately. *shrug*

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My pissed off pussy

She was nothing but matted dreadlocks before we took her to the groomers.

Now she looks like a poodle. Her entire body got shaved except for her tail, head and legs. I think the look on the second picture should tell you how unhappy she was with going to the groomer. And yes, that is the same cat in both pictures. Top picture taken yesterday and the bottom one taken today.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Useless training and dead pixels

What a way to start a week.

I have to sit with the boss's daughter for most of this week and teach her my job. I wouldn't mind so much if I were training her to actually work for us. It's for a college paper she has to write on Commercial Printing. This does not make me happy and will cut into my social life greatly. *sigh*

Dead Pixels. At least that's what I think it is. I have a blue, vertical line running down the side of my computer. It just suddenly appeared on Sunday morning. From what I have read, it looks like dead pixels and I may have to replace my monitor. Which is not easy since I have a laptop. And of course my warrantee expired two months ago. *sigh*

P.S. Thank you for all of the nice things ya'll said in my last post. It helped ease my anger. *smooch*

Friday, July 14, 2006


I'm just going to ramble for a bit. I sorta don't want to do it here but I sorta do. So pardon me for a minute while I babble out loud.

I'm not really sure why I let it get to me. Especially when it comes from people who I don't know. I think I have pretty thick skin. I mean, I am great at dishing out the jokes and unless I am PMSing, I think I'm pretty good at taking it back. I'm almost always the first to make fun of myself and I'm almost always the first to agree when someone else is making fun of me in a light manner.
FTR: yes, I have smoked one and yes I have had a couple of drinks and yes, I realize it is only 3:45 in the afternoon. It's Friday, I'm allowed.
Moving on...Where was I? Oh yes, joking, thick skin blah blah blah.
I have known since I was a child that I was "different". And I have known since I was aware of what sexuality was, that I had tendencies. I spent most of my youth being called names like "butch" or "dyke" or "homo". Of course it used to hurt my feelings. So to counteract that feeling I was less than discretionary when it came to dating and sleeping around. I might not have gotten the popular boys but at least there were boys who were attracted to me. Or at least such losers themselves that they would date me just so they could say they had someone. At least I felt less lonely.
As I've gotten older, I've grown more comfortable with my awkwardness. I'm not pretty, I don't have a nice body and I don't fall to the feminine side of the fence. But that's okay. I'm comfortable with who I am and what I have to offer. When i am with a group of women, I know that I will not be the one in the bar who will get hit on or picked up.
All of that was a long way of explaining that I really do have pretty thick skin.

So why do I get so upset when people want to interefere with my lifestyle? Why do I care if people like Rudy or Cygnus or PRE want to throw their God in my face? Why does it have my blood boiling that Cyg would go into Syren's blog and spew his bigotry. I know that these three are bigots (even if they deny it and even if they try to hide behind their religion) and I know that there are more like them out there in the world.
I'm actually pretty okay with those who believe that the word "marriage" should be saved for straight people. I don't agree with that view but I don't hate those who do. My own Father believes that marriage should remain between a man and a women. He does however believe that I should have all of the equal rights and benefits. He just wants it called a "civil union" rather than marriage. I disagree but I can live with that for now.

I know this is a dead horse. Too bad. This is also my blog. So if I want to beat a dead horse, so be it.

If gays will ruin traditional marriage, then why isn't divorce outlawed?
If the purpose of marriage is for breeding, then why aren't we arresting couples who get married and don't have children?
Why aren't we forcing childless couples to take in the poor and unwanted children of the world?
Why aren't we taking children away from single parents and putting them in traditional marriage homes?
Why aren't there contracts written up that couples have to sign before they get married, agreeing to raise children?
Why do the people who feel that marriage must go by the law of God and the bible, not feel as if they should live every single word of the bible and God?

And what happened to the separation of church and state?
Isn't marriage really just a civil union? I mean, not everybody is married in or by a church.
Why can't I just go to city hall like many straight couples and sign a piece of paper and make my and Michelle's relationship legal? I'm not asking the church to recognize it.
I have about four million things going through my head about this. But the one that comes to the surface the most is that it just hurts my feelings to be part of a group that seems to be so hated and mistreated and unloved. And why do I care about the fact that people don't like my lifestyle. Because the truth is, 99% of the time, I really don't care what people think of me.
Oooooh, it just hit me. I care because people are hating me and restricting me without knowing me. I think that's it. Hmmmmm. Now I'm going to go smoke another one and remind myself of why I shouldn't give a crap. Except for the fact that my government and the bigots remind me on a daily basis that I am different and I am bad and I have no purpose for living.

Edited to add this photo for my own bizarre reasons. Edited to take the photo out because it fucked everything all up.


That's what my local news just told me I could expect to pay for gas by the end of the summer.
I'm considering buying a hybrid car.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


This time I'm serious. No, I mean really serious. I think I have to amputate my finger.

I burned my index finger on my right hand. I went to pull the thermometer out of the chicken that was in the oven. I did it barehanded. Um, ouch. Michelle came in as soon as I did it because she was afraid I was going to pass out and hit the floor. No, it would not be the first time that has happened. I now have a nice burn mark about an inch long on my finger.
Word to the not so wise: Always use a pot holder or something when taking hot things out of the oven.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Rare serious post

I don't do these a lot. But today is a stepping stone in California for gay rights. I'm sure we will be beat down once again but it's worth noting anyhow.

Edited to add a second link in regards to Boston.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Shower Ghost

Is back. *rubs pinched bum*

Saturday, July 01, 2006


I am wearing my lobstah flip flops. *grin*
And now, I am off to the DeAnza flea market.
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

Edited to add pics of two of my newest toys that I bought at the flea market.