Holy cow, where do I begin?
Let's see...new things I experienced in Canda. <--proper spelling according to Breezy.
I ate moose
I ate walleye
I ate rhubarb
I went 4 wheeling
I got to experience a raclette
I pooped in an outhouse. More than once. And it was fun.
Thursday, Breezy and I set out for our great Michigan/Canda roadtrip adventure. By hour 9 we were ready to be at Lightsy's. Boy oh boy were we ready. *grin*
We didn't spend much time chatting that night because we were so exhausted so we pretty much went right to bed.
Friday we got to get a grand tour of Lightsy's town. What beautiful country. I was just in awe of the countryside. Such wonderful colors that we don't get in California.
There was Sam the town drunk. And Darlene the town foul mouth. I tell ya, I love Quebec. Every other word is "fuck". *giggle*
Then we got to go and eat poutine. OH.MY.GAWD is that stuff ever delicious. I could eat that every single day. I think it was that night taht we ate moose and walleye. The days are kind of blurred. Then we played cards. and I have to say that Breezy and Lightsy fucking cheat, eh. But cheaters never prosper and I won. *grin*
Saturday was Breezy's birthday and we got to go 4-wheeling in some of the most beautiful countryside I have ever seen. Just stunning scenery.
We got to meet Lighty and Dusterboys best friends and let me tell you they were a hoot. Those people in Canda are the friendliest folks I have ever met. Everybody was so warm and friendly and inviting. I love Canda.<--still not misspelling the country.
I really have to do s short version of this trip or this blog entry could be 45 pages long. LOL
Lightsy did a much better job of condensing in her blog.
I'll post some pictures later this week and I will update more info there too. I'm still jetlagged and things are running together and blurred.
Anyhow, we got to go out on the boat at Lightsy's lake. Dusterboy got to pee off the boat. I couldn't bring myself to try so by the time we got back to the cottage I about peed myself. Did I mention the outhouse? I loved using the outhouse. *giggle* That sounds sarcastic but I really did enjoy it just because I had never used one before.
I'll end this blog entry for now with this...
I had a wonderful time. Loved the company, loved the country and loved all of my new experiences. Lightsy and Dusterboy could not have been better hosts. I felt right at home.
A friend asked me what my favorite part of the trip was and without hesitation and without even pausing my answer was "spending time with my wonderful friends." Everything I experienced on my trip was fantastic but nothing was better than the quality time that we got to pack into such a short amount of time.
Thank you Lightsy, Dusterboy, Breezy and the wonderful people of Canada. It was a weekend I will not forget. *smooches* I love you all dearly.