Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A tribute to Dbug

Boo and Jbug sitting in a tree
Aren't they cute as can be?
Boo was nice to the gnat
tru dat
And now they are best friends

Friday, January 18, 2008

13 days and not counting

As of tomorrow, I am not going to count how many days I have been smoke free anymore. Tomorrow will be two weeks exactly. I have not had any hardcore cravings and I can say that I do not really miss smoking. So from now on I am just a non smoker and the number of days is no longer important to me. That is all. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Just things

1. 8 days, no smokes. Not one.
2. Green Bay won. That was great. I was hoping that the Jags would beat NE. Oh well.
3. I was supposed to go to a karaoke bar last night. I had an in home date night instead. :)
4. I am now perfectly okay with this whole spirit thing.
5. Why have I stopped reading? I have a huge stack of books that I need to read and I have become lazy. I need to start again.
6. I am craving bacon. Mooooooo.<---I realize that it is a sheep and not a pig that goes moooo. I was just feeling like a cow though when I thought about eating bacon.
7. Don't try to make sense of #6.
8. I was told that food would taste better when I quit smoking. To be honest with you, I don't believe that to be true.
9. Again, don't try to make sense of #6.

P.S. Asrai has a new blog addy... http://frombrokentoblessed.blogspot.com/

Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm now a believer

I tend not to believe the things that my senses can not prove to be true. My senses have now proved true. And honestly I am not sure how I feel about it. I thought I would be more scared. I'm a little unsettled but I'm not sure that I am scared.
Last week I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. My bathroom is right outside of our bedroom door. I go pee and as I am coming back to bed I could have sworn that I saw the silhouette of a little boy playing with toys next to our bed. I didn't trip out over it and I got back into bed. For the most part I had forgotten about it and actually chalked it up to a dream.
So anyhow, I have been hearing some noises around the house lately. Even Michelle has noticed some noises but again we just sort of dismissed it. Last night I was home alone and I kept hearing noises and when I would get up to check, nothing was there.
When Michelle got home I asked her if she thought it was possible for a ghost to suddenly appear in a house when it wasn't there before. She got a weird look on her face, said yes and then asked me why. So I told her about the little boy. She got a strange grin on her face and I asked her if she had ever seen anything before. Still grinning she said "No but someone else has"
GASP!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAH!!!! That? was NOT what I wanted to hear.
We have a friend who claims that she has seen spirits her entire life. This friend is not a quack and she is someone who I always thought believed herself about seeing spirits. I didn't necessarily believe that she did but I believed that she believed.
I asked Michelle not to go any further. I don't want to know where she saw the spirit, I don't want to know if it was male or female, I just don't want to know. Before I cut off Michelle, I did find out that M saw this spirit about two years ago and it was the first time she had ever been to our home. I also found out that it was not a child and that M has not seen the spirit since then. She told Michelle that as soon as she saw the spirit she told it to go away and that she didn't want that spirit to be here. And she has not seen it or any other spirit ever again.
I will admit that as soon as all of this came to light, I blushed a little bit because now I believe that that ghost in my shower really is a ghost who has been pinching my ass. How embarrassing is that?

Monday, January 07, 2008

WDPD? (What did Pam do)

I wanted to get through the weekend before saying anything. But after getting through a party on Saturday night, some stress on Sunday and a family gathering on Sunday, I feel that I can now be confident in saying that finally after 28 years, I am a non smoker.
Pam directed me towards a book that helped her and her DH become non smokers. So far it's worked wonders for me. I still get the cravings for a smoke but I do what the book tells me to do and it helps me get through it. After going this long without a smoke I would probably get so dizzy if I took a hit that I would either pass out or throw up, LOL, so there would be no good point in ever smoking again. Yippee, I am a non smoker.
This is the first time that I have attempted to stop smoking for me. In the past it was always for someone else. I think that helps to make a huge difference in being successful. Like I said, I still get cravings but I am able to talk myself out of them and at the end of the day, I can pat myself on the back for not smoking. :)

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Thank You, Pam

Not sure if you will see this or not but I wanted to say thank you. Pam knows why. I'm the worlds greatest pessimist so I am not going to post the reason here, yet. But I will in a day or two. In the meantime, I want to tell Pam thank you for pointing me in the right direction towards the road to being free.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year's Eve.