Busy Me.
Yesterday after work I spent about four hours with my Mom. She recently started Weight Watchers and was having some problems from the get go. So I went to her house and had a mini boot camp and grocery shopping session with her. After four hours, I think we have her on track. This makes me happy.
Today, we are working the local Art & Wine festival with my parents. My Dad is big in the Rotary Club and he and all of his best friends are the big cookers at events like this. So Michelle and I will go and schlep weenies and soda for him all day. We start at 10:00am and committed ourselves to a full day, up to 7:00pm tonight.
Tomorrow we will be helping Michelle's brother and his wife move. We spent last weekend getting their new home into shape so they can move in and this weekend is move in weekend.
Monday we go to the paint store because we are painting our living room. We are having the house recarpeted and since we quit smoking, we want to paint at least the living room. We want to do that ASAP because we really have no clue when the installer will be installing the new carpet. (He is doing it for free so whenever he has the time in between his paid side jobs he will let us know. We just need to be prepared)
Next weekend is the Kenny Chesney concert and then that Wednesday we leave for Vegas for four days. I think we have one free weekend in June and that's it.
We are also going to see Billy Idol in June. The Pride parade is that same weekend and so is another concert that we are going to. (Cyndi Lauper and The B-52's)
I love being busy. *happy sigh*