Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Years Meh

Normally New Year's Eve is my favorite holiday of the year. I dunno, I haven't really gotten into the holiday spirit this year. For the first time in our 15 years together, we have no plans. And neither of us seem to have gone out of our way to make any plans. The lake is out this year for many reasons. There isn't an Exotic Erotic ball on New Year's this year either. Not that I am feeling anywhere near good enough about myself to go there anyhow. Neither of us wants to be out driving so that pretty much limits us. Our neighbor was talking about maybe having a get together at her house. If so, we'll go over there. If not, who knows. Movies and drinks at home. Maybe we'll just have some friends over here to have a game night or something. A lot of our friends didn't make plans this year. Strange because even our party animal friends are feeling sort of meh about it too.
Oh, I take it back. One year we did not go anywhere because we were both sick. So at midnight we toasted with a shot of Nyquil and went back to sleep. LOL
Truthfully? It sort of makes me worry about myself that Im not too excited this year. As if I am losing interest in the things that usually interest me. *shrug*

Important update

I was just in the kitchen pouring my morning coffee and I had poured the last cup in the pot. Being the nice person that I am, I decided to make another pot. Well, well, well. Guess what I found out? Give up? What I thought was a 5lb can of coffee is only a 3lb can of coffee. I've talked about hurling the 5lb can of coffee at a guy and as it turns out, it was only 3lbs. I could have thrown it harder.

Is it Friday yet?


Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I want to go back to bed but I'm afraid the big bad winds are going to blow my house down. They woke both of us up around 4:00 this morning. I skeert.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I heart Buggy

I have my reasons. :)

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

May today be a day of peace for you all.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


I lost all of my bookmarks. Well, not all of them but most of them. I was trying to put them into folders ( *glares at Breezy* ) and then when things didn't look right, I deleted the folders. At the time, they still showed up in my bookmarks as well as the folders. Once I refreshed after deleting, I found that they were no longer in my bookmarks and had in fact moved to the folders. Waaaaaaah. Now I have to start almost from scratch.
Some I had memorized so I was able to find those. Others I had marked on my Yahoo favorites so I was able to recover those. I'll recover some by surfing blogland. But I had some bookmarks that weren't blog related and those are the ones I have to figure out. *pout*
The lesson that I learned is to just keep it all as bookmarks and not be fancy schmancy with folders. Stick to what I know. I blame Shrimpy Pickler for this one.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas

I know a lot of people are either off today or have a half day. *pout* I'm not one of them. Although I think I am going to sneak out early today.
Anyhow, I hope everybody has a safe and Happy Holiday weekend.
Merry Christmas. *smooch*

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holy Shrimpy Pickler!!!!

The boss came in, dropped off a box of bagels, told us all to make sure somebody was in the office to answer the phones and then she left to get her hair done. She never came back so I never got to talk to her. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wrapping paper, Bourbon and my period

We had our Christmas luncheon at work today. It went exactly as I thought it would.
We had a nice lunch, followed by a speech empty of any meaning and then it was over.
We were reminded of how lucky we are to have a job and reminded of how our customers come back to us because of each and every one of us and we were told how the new year has so many promising possibilities, blah blah blah.
One of our main office peeps told the boss today that she is going to start looking for a new job after the first. Tomorrow, it will be my turn to give the same speech. We are going to go in one by one and do the same. In hopes that she will catch on that if things don't go our way, she is going to have an empty office after the first. I'm going to practice my speech tonight. I have to practice because in my head the speech goes something like this: "Fuck off, I hate you, you suck, fuck off again". And I'm really thinking that I might want to be a little more professional than that. But then again. I don't know, you tell me. Should I work on refining that or should I leave it as is?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The reasons are unimportant

But today, I am going to be a little bit nicer to the world. I realize that a post like this coming from me is total fodder for jokes and snark and that's okay too. But just know that you mean a lot to me. Yes, I am talking to you. *points at friends reading this*
If I may, I would like to suggest that each of you at some point tonight think about the people who you love and be grateful for them. I often forget to do that and tonight I will remember.
You are my friends and I love each of you and even though I may not always show it, I do care.


Has anyone here found a job through online jobsites? If so, which ones and how did they work out for you?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I feel used

I feel used by Boo. That is all.

So in order to not feel so used, I am using my neighbor. Comcast is out and I have no tv and no internet. So...*looks around* shhhhh, I am piggybacking off of my neighbors wireless.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A break

It seems to be a theme around these parts these days. I'm thinking of taking one myself. So I may or may not be around for awhile. Who knows with me though. My moods change by the minute. *shrug* So this could be just a "just in case" post. Knowing me, I can't stay away for too long.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Viva Mexico and Happy Birthday Swami

Woo Hoo. We used to go to Mazatlan every other year with the family. There were always about 20 of us who would go. We used to have so much fun. Michelle's grandfather is friends with the owner of the hotel where we stay so we always got the best rooms. Beach front. And for a reasonable price too. For some reason we all stopped going about 5 years ago.
Michelle's cousin called yesterday and asked if we would like to go in April. *hops* Yay, we're going to Mexico.
Ack, I better get my passport. I have a history of procrastinating. I better write this on my calendar and do it right after the new year.
Mazatlan, here we come. Have my pina colada and shrimp cocktail waiting for me please.

And have one ready for Swami, too. It's her birthday. Happy Birthday, Swami.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

December 7th, 1941

If you ever get a chance to go to Pearl Harbor, you should. It's a very conflicting place. Beautiful. Moreso than the movies show. But a very emotional place. Today I'll think of all of those people who died 65 years ago.

Unrelated, I am also sending a prayer to the family of James Kim. Tragically they found his body yesterday and he had not survived like his wife and two daughters did. Sad ending. :(

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I love my iPod

One of the things that I love is that I get to play Country in my car again. Last year we lost our one and only Country station on the peninsula so I had to resort to Cds that I made myself. Creating mixed Cds can be a pain in the ass. But now? I plug in my little iPod (have I mentioned how much I love my iPod?) anyhow, I plug it in and it's like my own little country station in the car. And if I feel like a change, I just hit the little button and suddenly I have my own 80's rock station. wheeeeee. I love my iPod.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Well crap

I don't know why but I thought it was later in the month. I've been rushing to get Christmasy stuff done. I rushed to make my cookie trade cookies, I rushed to get them out. I did a mad dash at the malls yesterday because I thought I was late on starting my shopping. I mean, I see the date everyday so I don't know how I could be confused. (shut up). I told Michelle yesterday that I need to finish my shopping this weekend because I need to get everything shipped out on Monday. Things like my SS gift, my out of state family and such. She said "Why are you rushing? I've never seen you worry about getting this done so soon" Huh? I told her that I just had this week and then it would be too late. She then reminded me that it was only December 2nd. I looked at her like HD's roommate looks at him...blank stare and silence.
I'm not sure if I thought it was later in the month or if I thought they had moved Christmas up this year. *shakes head*
I honestly think that we have so much going on that I just felt rushed and as if I don't have enough time. So today I am taking a break from that stuff and I'm going to enjoy football and do some laundry. I may wander out to a couple of stores after the 49er game but I'm not making any solid plans.
Last night we went to my Mom's Sweet Adeline Holiday show. Wedensday night we are going to the inlaws for dinner. One night this week Michelle's Dad is taking all the girls of the family shopping. I forget what we are doing next weekend but there are some sort of plans. If I could just remember what. Then that Wednesday is our anniversary. But instead of doing something alone we are going out to dinner with Michelle's family. It is the annual (Insert name of Michelle's company)'s Christmas dinner with the family and a couple of affiliates. We do it every year. Just not usually on our anniversary. Then we have the family cookie bake.
On the 10th we will be decorating our house. That date is a family tradition. Christmas Eve is at Michelle's folk's house this year so we will have to help Michelle's Mom prepare for that. They have a huge family and there are usually about 50 of us that night.
I also need to finish my shopping. I got a lot done yesterday but after looking at my list, I didn't get as much as I had hoped.
Wow, I guess I don't have as much to do as I thought I did. It seemed like much more in my head.