Thursday, August 31, 2006

Living the life of Luxury

Yes, I know that my football team sucks eggs and rocks and everything else. But tomorrow night that will not matter to me. I will be sitting in a VIP luxury box with 13 other people and I will be partying my ass off. Woooo Hooooo. I've never been in a luxury box before so this is a huge highlight for me. Huge highlight. Michelle isn't going and is only a little bummed. She said she is only bummed because she will be missing out on being with me during one of my football highlights. She likes football but doesn't care whether or not she goes to the games. she mostly goes for me. But she said she is a little bummed about not getting to share in the experience with me. *pout* The guy who I am going with only invited me and my boss so I wasn't going to say "hey, can my GF go?" *grin* I have manners.
Anyhow, I can't wait. CAN.NOT.WAIT.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New update

If you are having problems with blogger, well, basically Blogger says "tough shit". They have added Blogger Beta and they pretty much plan on putting all of their time into that. Those of us not going the beta route, are stepchildren to them. They pretty much spelled that out to a poster on their message boards.

Mouth update. I gathered up my sharp objects and poked and ripped and cut until there was hole in my gums. It is no longer swollen nor is my jaw nor the gland in my throat. I woke up with a belly ache so I am guessing it all drained into my belly. Bottom line: No dentist for me. The object lodged in my gums came out at work today. I gobbled up potato chips just because I could.

My broken window. Finally after a month or so, I have replaced my shattered window. It took so long because the labor was being done for free. I won't ask Michelle what she had to trade for free labor. *grin*

Comcast just had to reset my modem. Stupid Comcast.

I started the dishwasher, vacuumed, cleaned the windows downstairs and put everything back that had to be moved in order for window guy to get to the window. I also cleaned up a little mess that I had on the counter. I hope this means that I won't be expected to cook dinner. I'm not in the mood to cook.

I was watching View from the Bay and there was a dude on who was previously a chick. A hot chick at that. What a waste of a hot chick.

I thought of something really important that I wanted to ask my parents for my birthday. It must be my 40th coming up because I can't remember for the life of me what that important things was that I wanted. Can anyone help me out with this one?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Boring update

I don't have much of interest going on.

I have some sort of absess or something in my gum. It's so bad that my entire jaw was swollen yesterday to the point that I could not fully close my mouth. I haven't had solid food in two days. I'm giving it one more day before I call the dentist. It's better today than it was yesterday but I am still in massive amounts of pain. Talking is painful. *waits for sarcastic remarks*

Comcast has suddenly cut off my internet at home. I got up this morning and it said that I need to download their software and sign up for an account. Huh? My cable is working so it isn't from a missed payment or something. I just suddenly don't exist to them for some reason. so I have to call and deal with them when I get home. And as I said, just talking hurts my jaw.

As a result of being in so much pain yesterday, I spent most of the day on the couch barely able to move. The pain was bad enough yesterday that it actually brought me to tears. Michelle felt so bad and so helpless. She was wonderful though in trying to make me as comfortable as possible.
Unfortunately I got nothing done yesterday so I have plenty to do today after work. After dealing with Comcast.

I now have a third row of dead pixels on my laptop. that's going to cost me a couple of hundred bucks to get fixed.

Ever been in an argument with one of your best friends and not know what it is that you did? It sucks and makes me sad. Very sad.

the one good note of the day: I got an email confirmation this morning that I am indeed going to be sitting in a luxory box for this Friday's 49er game. I'm sure we'll lose but I have never seen a game in a luxory box and so I have something to look forward to.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Don't cry for me Argentina!!!

This has nothing to do with Argentina but I felt like saying that.

BUT!!!! ya'll need to leave some well wishes for our Monsty. I got a call from her this afternoon and it was just horrible. It went like this:
her...cough cough, oooooh Bravieeeeee, I am dying. Dyyyying.
Me..What's wrong my little green one?
her..Ohhhhh Bravieeeee..cough cough..I'm calling you from my death bed. Cough cough. Please..pleeeeeeeze tell the masses that I have loved and adored them. Tell them that I will watch over them when I am gone. *sigh* *deep sigh* Ohhhh Bravieeeee, it's just horrible.
Me...What's going on my little Monsty doll?
her...I have pneumonia. Do you think people will feel sorry for me?
me..Oh no, how did this happen, Monsty?
her...I don't know but do you think the people will feel sorry for me and have sympathy for me?
me...How will you take care of Allstah?
her..I have sent him to a boys home to be cared for. Do you think that people will have sympathy for me?
me...They may. I know that I do. I feel just horrible for you. I know you will be okay, Monsty. It will be fine.
her..Okay but please tell people that the only way that I will heal is through sympathy.
me...I will. You take care. I love you muchly my sickly little sistah
her...okay, please make sure that I get sympathy. *loooong sigh* Goodbye Bravie.

Our Monsty is on bed rest for the next week and she is lucky enough to have a Mommy who will come and help her with Allstah. :)
So leave your well wishes here for our Monsty.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Dear Comcast

Fuck you. I could not be more unhappy with you right now. Your customer service last night was pathetic. Your phone lady knew nothing. I had no cable and no internet. And had I bothered to sign up with your stupid 3 for $33 each plan, I would not have had a phone to call you on in order to get no help anyhow. *flips Comcast the bird*
Normally, it would have been no big deal. Normally. But last night was a big night. The season premier of Prison Break.
Do you know how long I have been waiting for the season premier? Well, since the season finale. And now I missed it because you chose yesterday to lose service. You suck ass and I hate you.
All I can hope for is that you have it on On Demand and I will be able to watch it before next week. And don't even think about trying to charge me $.99 to watch it. You can shove that up your cable asses. Hrmph.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I love him

My little man, Leo.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Ginger & Mcatt

Drank too much but I did not. :)
Good night.

EDITED TO ADD: Somebody *coughmecough* obviously drank too much because on the train on the way home I laughed out loud at an extremely ugly cross dresser. He was a very large man and he was in a skirt and a half shirt and his belly was hanging out. He was built like an offensive tackle. If I remember correctly, it was a hairy belly. He just was clearly not a man who should be cross dressing just yet. Anyhow, I looked at Ginger and laughed out loud, which gave her the gigglepants which gave me worse gigglepants. I had tears running down my face by the time he got off the train. I even snorted out loud. More than once. *shakes head*

And then, Ginger tried to send me back to the city on the wrong train. In my drunken stooper, I still know the trains and how they run and she didn't want to believe me. *giggle* I got so confused that I just took a cab instead of the train because they said something about the train being delayed or something.
All in all, it was a fun night. Poor Ginger stuck on the train with me though. *shakes head*

Who wants to join us?

Ginger, MCatt and I are going out drinking tonight. Wanna go? If not, we may just talk about you.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. *smooch*

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Nooooookie. Happy Birthday

A;though you probably won't be around to read this until next week, I still want to wish you a wonderful and happy birthday.
I hope all goes perfectly with the closing and the party and the move and I can't wait for you to get back to us and tell us ALLLLL about your busy week and your birthday.
*smooooooooch* and schnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps<--drink lots and lots of this on your birthday.
Happy Birthday, Nookie. I love you.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Happy Birthday Arkie!!!!!

Happy 40th birthday to the best suck up on OT and blogs. And one of my most trusted friends. *smooch*
Normally I would make all kinds of fun of you for turning 40 but since I'm not far behind, I'm not making one old fart joke.
You've always been a great friend and a trusted confidante and that means a lot to me. So instead of roasting you, I just want to say, Happy Birthday. I hope it's the best birthday to date and you have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hodge Podge

I looooove the Bath & Body works vanilla shampoo and conditioner. Very nice. And it smells good too.

I ate no fruit yesterday. All is back to normal. :)

I still haven't sent in my computer to have the dead pixels fixed. And now I am hearing about a recall on Dell computers because of their batteries catching on fire. But Dell hasn't sent me any recall information so I don't know if mine is included in that.

Big Brother is on tonight. Can't wait. We are having a HOA meeting here. Would it be rude to kick the people out promptly at 8:00pm? :)

Why on a day (yesterday) when fruit was my enemy, would m boss bring in a fruit basket for us? With all the same fruit that I had eaten the day before. It better be a donut basket today.

Did I mention the Bath & Body works shampoo and conditioner? I love it.

That is all.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Lake Weekend

We made a last minute decision to go up to the lake this weekend. Michelle's two cousins and their respective families were each up at their places and her aunt and uncle were going up to their place. We figured it would be nice to go and hang out with them and stay at our place without the rest of our clan there for a change.
It was nice. Not all that I had hoped it would be but still fun.
My bleeding heart GF who can't say no to a cryer ended up inviting up her friend who just got dumped. Sad, yes but she was not included in MY plans. *evil grin*
Anyhow, she got dumped after just 3 months. Hello? there is a jar of pickles in my fridge that I have had longer. She totally fits that lesbian steroetype of "What does a lesbian bring on the first date?...her furniture" *rolls eyes*
They were already planning a commitment ceremony and freezing of eggs to have kids. AFTER THREE MONTHS!!!! Can someone say clingy.
Anyhow, I ended up drinking vodka/cranberry all weekend. And we had a pretty good time. And Michelle made up for my ruined plans last night, so I can't complain too much. *grin*

Friday, August 11, 2006

Oh Good Gawd help me

I have now reached dork status almost equal to Breezy.
I just went out to have a smoke. I'm standing there and went to put my hand into my right pocket and I came across a bit of a hurdle. I fixed it. I then thought I should check my left pocket. *sigh* The same hurdle. I fixed it.

Why didn't anyone tell me that I have been walking around with my pockets hanging out?
Here is a picture of my left pocket hanging out, taken with my phone so the quality isn't great. But you get the idea.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


In HDTV if fucking cool. It's almost like being there but I can smoke in my seat, pee without crawling over anyone and check BB Spoilers all while watching football. Way fun.

August 10th 1849

On this day, we were given a wonderful gift. The gift of one of our sistahs, the gift of one of our friends, the gift of someone whom we love so much.
She has brought much joy to our lives. She makes us laugh with her funnies. she makes us cry with her funnies. She has been one of the best friends that I have ever had the pleasure of having. She Ousts my poots and she makes sure that I stay on track when I have had too many frappuchinos. She babysits Gus when Monsty can no longer control him. She brings us pictures of beautiful flowers from her garden and posts pictures of her beautiful gnome.
She is our wonderful, beautiful, loverly own Augie.
So on August 10th, we must all toast a glass in her honor. Because I say so. :)

I love you more than the rest of those hoohas, I mean yahoos. I love you the mostest and I hope you have a wonderful and perfect day.
Did that blow up doll of Keith Urban get there yet? I'm pretty sure I sent it in time. *saaaaaaaaaaaaaaamooooooooch* to my Favorite oldest sistah.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What's there to talk about?

Michelle is still at the casino. She hasn't called back in awhile so I guess she hasn't hit a jackpot. Or she has and she is already on her way to another country.

Shanthenut is still posting on the BB forums. She has a nut loose and i almost hope she doesn't go away because she has provided much entertainment. At her expense. I keep hoping that Shakes will get ahold of her. There are two people who I would love to see spar. No gloves, no holds barred. But, for the sake of the mods, i hope she goes away. They must be going crazy over her. Maybe if everybody stops responding to her she will just give up and go away.

I've had entirely too much coffee today. TOO MUCH. bzzzzzzzzzz.

Do you drink coffee? With or without cream and sugar? Me? just cream, no sugar. I'm not big on sugary flavored things.

I had 3 tamales after work. Good thing Michelle isn't home. *grin*

It's almost footbal season. WOOOOO fucking HOOOO. I love football season. Even if my 49ers do suck. :(

Our Dixie Chicks concert got postponed until November. Boo for that.

Does anybody here know why the dyslexic man walked into the bra?
*glares at MM*

Happy Birthday Michelle

She is going to the casino with Cathy for her birthday. *pout* I don't get to go. It's probably better since I would lose my money.
She is going to lie and tell people that she is 36 but she will be lying. She is a whopping 39. *gasp* I'm married to an old person.

Friday, August 04, 2006

What an afternoon

After work, I went to the grocery store to get the stuff for my chili. When I went to pull into MY carport, there was a car parked there. This is not something that I appreciate in the least bit. Especially not on a Friday when I am ready for a beer. FTR, I have never come home to have somebody parked there. It is a carport attached to my garage. I thought it might be one of the neighbor's guests but it still pissed me off. I look up and some kid is going up the stairway that I share with my neightbor that leads to our front doors. Then two teenage boys come down the stairs. At first I was going to be a bitch about this (in hindsight, I wish I would have) and I wasn't going to move my car which was preventing them from moving. I was going to bring in my garbage can and take my time. Then one of the boys in a soft voice asked me nicely if I could move because he had to go. I said yes but not before I told him that this is not a public parking lot and that if he parked there again I would have him towed. I then moved my car, let him go and I parked in my spot.
I gathered up my groceries and headed up the stairs to my front door. I walk in, go to the countertop and put down my groceries. Then it dawned on me. *head tilt* Why did he back into my spot instead of just pull straight in? Odd. And why was he visiting my neighbors in the middle of the day but not parking in their driveway? Something in my gut suddenly doesn't feel right. (No, it's not gas) Before I had a chance to put my groceries away, my body just sort of starting walking to my front door. Almost as if my gut was leading it there. I walked outside and next door to my neighbors house. The front door is wide open so I continue to walk over there to see if the neighbors are home. I rang the door bell, knocked, rang the bell again and then called into to my neighbors. Silence. I repeat the routine. Silence. Hmmm, well, I'll just close their front door for them and let them know when they get home that they left their door open or unlocked or something. As I grab the doornob I notice that the deadbolt is sort of hanging and as I swing the door closer to the doorjam I see that there is no doorjam left.
FUCK!!!! OH FUCK!!! Those little fuckers weren't friends, they were dirty rotten little gangster fucks who just broke into my neighbor's house. Those fucking little fucking bastards. Fuck. *runs entire scenario through my head again so that I can identify them and their car when I call the cops*...Shit. I didn't get the plate. It didn't even occur to me to get the plate because I thought they were just rude kids visiting the neighbors. Okay...two about 5"11, thin build, black male, about 18 yrs old, wearing a black doorag and a white jacket, voice sort of sounded like Michael Jackson...2nd male, shorter, around 5'6", dark skin but unable to tell what race. He was the lookout guy.
I called the police and called Michelle. Then both of us starting making calls trying to track down the owner of that unit so that he could get in touch with his tenants. We don't have the neighbor's phone number. I decided that I better wait outside for the police because I didn't want to leave the neighbors door just wide open for anybody else to come in. A half an hour went by and still no police. So I called them back and they said units were on the way. Then I called my Dad to see if this was normal. To wait over a half hour for a burglary. I told him that I didn't know if someone is in the house in need of medical attention but I wasn't going in. My Dad said to call the city manager of my city and mention who my Dad was and who I was and see if he would do something to get the cops out there. I called the city manager's office and right as I was about to wind up the call, the cops showed up so we hung up.
In the meantime, my neighbor was contacted by the landord and now she was home. As it turns out, these little fuckers rummaged through their entire upstairs and made a total mess of the place. I guess they were trying to steal the karaoke machine and that is when I pulled up so they just dropped near the front door.
Fuck...why didn't I get the license plate number. I'm really pissed at myself for that. Really pissed. And surprised because I'm usually right on that kind of shit. Michelle said she was shocked that I didn't get it because it is like me to remember those kinds of things when something is off. My Mom said that today I sorta sucked at private investigating and that's pretty bad since I went to school for that. *snort* We decided that I sucked at PI work today and she sucks at picking house paint.
Anyhow...Nothing that she could tell was missing from the house. All of the jewelry, although thrown about, was still there. All of the CDs and movies and whatever was all still there. They figured that they were just punks looking for money and booze for a fun Friday night. Michelle has finally agreed, after 9 years in this house, to look into a security system. Finally. *rolls eyes*.
We'll have to come to a compromise though. Because to her, security is an alarm system and to me, security is a Winchester.
*sips vodka drink*
So how was your Friday afternoon?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Not much to update

I don't have much that I want to update.
I will say that currently I am in a really good place. There's no need for me to list reasons why or anything like that but I'm in a good place. I like it here and I think I will work hard to stay here. If you see me slipping? Kick me in the ass and remind me how nice it is to be in a good place.

I had a meeting at work today with my boss that I had feared was going to be very icky. And it could have been. But he is such an awesome boss and handled it with pure professionalism and I was worried over nothing. In fact, things totally went my way. :) I feel like a valued employee.

My parents painted their house. For some unknown reason my Dad left it up to my Mom. WTF was he thinking. My Mom is a bit eccentric. Well now so is their house. I can only describe it as gardenhose green with hunter green trim. I said these exact words to my Mom: "You're fucking nuts and that house is hideous. I don't know what the fuck you were thinking. You are a crazy old woman and i am going to start calling you Howard Hughes. There is something loose up in that brain of yours and I can't believe that Dad isnt leaving you over this. Did you find a sale on that hideous fucking paint?" She responded with a laugh and then said she thought for sure that I would be on her side with this one because I too have a nut loose in my brain. *snort* She is insane in the membrane. It's now the ugliest house in their entire city and I am sure it can be spotted from space without using a telescope. I'm sure it is how the astronauts know that they are looking at earth.
I love that I can be so open with my Mom like that. *giggle*

Ooooh, gotta go. The timer for my baked garlic/cauliflower just went off.