Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Answer Sheet and Jen is my favorite.

Some of your answers are a hoot. I did make some of them trick questions on purpose. For instance, I knew a lot of you would guess Catherine Zeta-Jones just because I want to sleep with her. But Kathy Bates is by far a better actress. And Lasann? Honey, what were you thinking? Did you honestly think that I followed Rudy? *kick*
Question #1
Who did Bravie follow to OT from Survivor Spoilers?

Misto--she was my first OT crush. I miss Misto.

Question #2
Who was the first person to befriend Bravie on OT?

The funny thing is, Lightsy got this one wrong. LOL

Question #3
What is my favorite number?

Question #4
What gives me the worst gas?

chinese food
No Lightsy, it wasn't you. *snort*

Question #5
Which Blogger have I met the most in person?

Those of you who got this one wrong, at least you were close. Glowie is the 2nd most.

Question #6
What is my favorite scent?

It's my scent but not my lifestyle. *grin*

Question #7
What is my biggest fear?

Funny thing is that a lot of you said snakes and that is my least fear of the beasts I listed. (except for Lights. Who isn't a beast. That I know of. *snort* )

Question #8
Who is my favorite actress?

Kathy Bates-Fantastic actress. I will watch anything that she is in.

Question #9
What is my favorite drink?

Cosmos--AKA tainted milk

Question #10
How many fingers am I holding up?

4. Two on each hand, with my thumbs in my ears and my tongue sticking out

Why not?

Monday, February 26, 2007

For Glow

I really have nothing. But you said it would make you happy if everybody had a blog post titled "For Glow". So here it is. Did I make you happy? Because really all I want to do is make my loved ones happy. It's the least that I can do for those who I love.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Wheeeeee and darn it

We just had an earthquake. It was South East of Berkeley. I'm south west of there but only about 20 minutes away.
Wheeeee because I love earthquakes. Love them. (not the big damaging ones)
But darn it because if it could have waited just one little week, Breezy and Breezygirl could have experienced it. I ordered an earthquake for my birthday back in October so that Breezy and Nookie and Arkie could have felt one but it never happened. *pout*
Maybe there will be aftershocks for the next week and Breezy and Breezygirl can feel one.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

American Idol

If you are looking for a professional type of review, you need to see Glow. The views posted here are just my own and I claim to have NO skills when it comes to writing reviews.
So here, you will just get a big HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!
Those women belted out some tunes last night. Many were forgettable. But Melinda and Lakisha? Those two brought chills to my entire body. Lakisha even had a tear in my eye by the time she was finished. I yelled at the tv "I DO love you, Lakisha". She got a three person standing Ovation in my house last night. Melinda was a very close second and there were a couple of more that were awesome as well. But I am so into Melinda and Lakisha that I can't remember anyone else's names right now.
Aside from there spectacular talent, these two women are probably also the two most humble women to ever grace AI. To me, I love to see humble onn AI. I love confidence but their dose of humble is just wowing me right now.
I had very little hopes for this season. Especially after the men sang (or should I say, took the stage). But these two women will keep me hooked this season.
Go Melinda and go Lakisha. I am rooting for ou all the way. Applause.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Just when OT really gets on my nerves, something happens that cracks me up. LMAO.

I made a comment in a thread that some must have taken seriously. And the nice people of OT didn't want me to feel unloved. *giggle* I made a comment in response to Arkie about how I send myself a red flag everyday just to feel popular. LMAO. And suddenly today I have received more red flags than I have all year.
I know that some knew it was a joke because I got some silly PMs, mostly calling me a dork. *snort* But some where offering me hellos and such and I think they may have been serious. Because they were peeps who I would say don't know me all THAT well.
Anyhow, it just cracked me up and it made me smile. Both the serious ones and my goofy friends. I keep giggling.
Can we even PM ourselves? Is that possible? *head tilt*

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Finally some wonderful news!!!!!

We have a baby Monstah.
Born February 17th at 9:30am.
Mommy, baby, Mr. Monsty and Allstah are all doing well.
Getting information out of a woman who has just had a baby is not an easy thing so this is the only information that I have:
Born February 17th, 2007 at 9:30am via C-section. 7 lbs. And here is the important part that I know all of you have been waiting for. She looks more like Monsty because she has good hair. It is mostly dark with a little bit of light color to it but definitely more of a Mrs. Monstah look than a Mr. Monstah look.
She didn't say whether or not I could post her name so we will call her Baby Kennedy until further notice.
Monsty will be in the hospital until Wednesday and may or may not be able to post when she gets home. Ask her about her adventure on the Yellow Submarine. *snort* It will be interesting to see if she remembers.
The important thing as that everybody is healthy and happy. Congrats to my sistah. *smooch*

Friday, February 16, 2007

Preliminary update

Shug is home. I will post pictures of her war wound tomorrow. She is very groggy and is walking like I do when I have had too many to drink. She went straight to her food when she got home which was a very good sign. I think she wants me to cuddle with her in her bed though because everytime I touch her she just puts her little head in my hand and sighs and then leans into me. So I'm going to cuddle with her until she's asleep.
Thank you for all the good thoughts. So far so good. I just want to cry everytime I look at her though because she just looks sad. I'm sure if she were human she would be crying and asking Mommy to take care of her.
Thank you again, everybody. I'm happy to say that today turned out fine. Before I go and cuddle with my baby, I'm going to make a huge drink. :)

Updated to add a picture of the victim:

smooches for my kitty

Just because I don't have enough stress in my life right now. *rolls eyes*
Today my oldest cat, Shug, has to have surgery to remove a cyst from her cheek. I know the doctor says that she will be fine and he isn't concerned about doing this at her age. But that still does not make me worry any less. I'm not going to say how old she is because I don't want anyone gasping and making comments about whether or not this is a good idea. The doctor suggested it so we have to do it. *sigh*
I have been giving her extra smooches and hugs this morning. *pout* I skeert. *sigh*

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Weltek Rocks

*giggle* Kim made my day yesterday and she could not have picked a better day. Yesterday pretty much sucked like you wouldn't believe and it continued into the night. But my one bright spot was Weltek. *samooooooch*
Thank you Kim. I got your "call every hour" to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day. *snort* I just wish I had had my phone near me. It sounded like you were having a very good time and I hope you aren't hurting today. You know how to cheer a girl up. Thank you. *smooch* You are totally my favorite. :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

Is the dumbest made up holiday ever. Yeah, so I'm not a romantic. I hate V-Day. To make it worse, Michelle likes it. I hate it because I am forced to celebrate it. I'm supposed to appreciate my significant other and blah blah blah. Isn't that what anniversaries are for? I like being romantic and showing my love on MY terms. Not Hallmark's terms.
Plus, it makes more people unhappy than happy. Single people feel bad because they have nobody. Old married couples feel pressure to celebrate even if they don't want to. New relationships aren't sure if they should or shouldn't celebrate. Hallmark gets rich, gets rich. I just really don't like this day. Yet I am forced to put on a smile, buy a card, some candy, a gift and act like I enjoy the day.
I did all of this a couple of weeks ago, just because I felt like it. Not because I was expected to.
Anyhow, after all of that...Happy Valentines' Day. *snort*

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I found something to say

After a couple of beers, a few bloddy marys and a few puffs, one should have an interpreter of instructions for a home sationary bike. I put the handlbars on backwards at first but after my neighbor came over and cooked some ravioli for me (first real meal I'v e had in 3 days) I was able to get them on correcty. I'm quite proud. Michelle and I have both tried it out and it didn't fall apart so I thiknk all is good. :)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I've been withdrawn in case you haven't noticed

I still have absolutely nothing to say. But I fear that if I post nothing here, I will slowly allow myself to fade away. That may be what I want right now but I know that if I look ahead, it isn't what I want in the long run.
Thank you for all of the nice things said to me in the previous post. They did not go unnoticed. Perhaps I'm just not sure how to respond because I'm not feeling so sure of myself these days.
I apologize if I haven't posted in your blog. I am reading here and there but I've been so consumed with keeping to myself that I have been afraid to do any sort of power blogposting out of fear that I will then be consumed with blogrolling again. Such a vicious cycle I'm in right now.
*smooch* to my friends. I'm glad that you are here for me even if I don't reach out to you.