Ok, ok, ok
Hmmm, where do I start?
Wednesday I picked Breezy up from the airport and we just sort of hung around town. She did call me fat though and then when we were at Target she tried to slice my wrist open with her bracelet. And she did call me a lot of other names that escape me at the moment.
Thursday we picked up Nookie and then we all went to dinner at my favorite Chinese restaurant. We then came back to my house and just sort of hung out.
Friday, we all went up to the wharf where we met MTW for lunch. I got to open a present and it was enough shot glasses for all of the OTers and each had a separate mini bottle of booze in them. We indeed used the shotglasses Friday night. *giggle*
Friday night was the party. Um...I will tell you what I remember of it. Breezy, Nookie, Michelle and I started out with a couple of drinks at my house. Mine was of course milk because I don't drink. Then we wandered up to the hall and got ourselves situated. And then everyone started to arrive. I think we had about 50 at the party so it was a good sized crowd. Immediately we all started to drink. (again, I was only drinking milk) I think everybody was really great about mixing with each other and by the end of the night everybody was friends with everybody. I honestly don't deserve the wonderful family and friends that I have. Such a wonderful crowd. I think everyone felt at home.
My Mother got up and gave a speach about me and did indeed embarrass me a little bit. But luckily I had had enough milk that I was in a happy state and didn't turn too red.
To be honest with you, the rest of the night is either a blur or I just straight up don't remember. My Mom said she has never seen anyone have so much fun at their own party. So I think that says it all. There was dancing and food and booze and of course milk for me.
I can only fill in the rest in bits in pieces. I did indeed makeout with Catt, twice. According to Arkie, Jimbo didn't seem to mind because then Catt and Jimbo immediately started to make out with each other.
At some point in the evening, I made some money. There are pictures of people stuffing dollar bills down my pants and down my top. Even my mother in law got in on the action. Rather than feeling humiliated that I may have been doing a striptease act, I am going with the money dance. I had a money dance at my party. Yep, that's it. *grin*
I don't even remember the cutting of the cake but apparently I had no problem singing happy birthday to myself and then doing the Superstar stance afterwards. There is a picture of that too. Yes, I will post pictures. I just need to get them on my computer first.
At some point I had spilled something on my lap and I made sure to tell each and every person at the party that I had not peed myself and then I made them all feel to see that the liquid was cold, proof that I had not peed. Because pee would be cold.
From what I am told, Catt, Jimbo and Breezy helped to carry me home. When I told this to my Mom she laughed and said that she didn't think Breezy was in any condition to help walk me home and she thought maybe Breezy would need a walking buddy too. Yes, there are pictures.
Then, from what I hear, the party came back to my house. Me no rememeber.
I do know that when I woke up in the morning that I had a black eye. I am going with the story that Breezy threw me into the wall and that's how I got the black eye. There is no way that I could have fallen into the banister on the way up the stairs when Michelle and Breezy where helping to get me into bed. Nope, I did not fall, Breezy threw me.
I believe that Nookie must have had too much to drink too because she ended up passed out on my couch. I think Nookie may have started the whole money dance thing. But I'm not sure.
Oh, at the beginning of the night, i got to finally meet Arkie in person. She is the only one who was there that I had not officially met in person. I think we may have intimidated her a bit because by the time she got there with Jimbo and Catt I was already about 4 sheets to the wind. From the tainted milk. Really be careful of the milk that they serve at the Elk's Lodges. It's bad stuff.
All in all, it was a wonderful and fabulous time. I can't remember the last time that I don't remember having that much fun. I am hoping that the others will be able to fill you all in on any other events at the party. Because honestly by about 9pm, I was 67 sheets to the wind and don't remember much. But I have been told that I had a good time.
I want to thank Arkie, Breezy, Catt, Jimbo and Nookie for being a part of my celebration and for coming all this way to be a part of my special day. It honestly would not have been the same without all of them here. Each adding their own unique and wonderful personalities to my party.
I promise to have some pictures up over the next couple of days so that you can see what tainted milk can do to a person.
*smooches* for being so patient while I had company and couldn't update. I want to thank all of you for being interested and for sending birthday wishes and for making me feel loved.
So far, 40 is wonderful. If for nothing else, it made me realize how lucky I am to have the people in my life that I do. I feel blessed and if it took turning 40 to make me see how blessed I am? I would turn 40 a hundred times over.