Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Is dead to me. As of this moment I no longer know of anyone named Augie. She used to be a sistah of mine but she did something so unforgivable to me that I don't know that I can ever feel the same way about her again. She is supposed to be a sistah. A friend. A confidant. A mentor. Someone I look up to. Instead, she took a weakness of mine and turned it into a joke. And now? she is dead to me.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Here's who you have

Here is the list for the Survivor pool. i was having a blonde moment today and thought Boo made the 16th person but I realized that she was already in and was volunteering Conner. So, that spot says Conner but if you don't really want that 2nd spot, Boo, let me know. I have a friend who will buy the spot.
So here they are. I wrote down everybody's name in a row in the order that you signed up. Then pulled the players out of the hat and that's who you got.

I can contact everyone through a PM at the other place with my address. Everyone except for Sonya. Sonya, you can get my email address from Momma.

Conner---Ruth (again, if you don't really want this spot, I can sell it)

Friday, January 27, 2006

It's Friday

What are your plans for the weekend?
Me: Friday night...chores around the house. Wooo Hoooo
Saturday during the day, I have no clue.
Saturday night...Hooking up with Catt, Ginger and JIMBO in the city at our usual spot for drinks. Poor JIMBO is going to be stuck with us three. *giggle*
Sunday...I have no clue.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Oh My!!!!

*Sets up scene*

So I'm in the bathroom. I'm sitting there taking care of business and mid stream I look up. Something catches my eye. I focus in on it and HOLY FUCK!!! it's a spider. On the wall. Right next to me. I contemplate a midstream jump and decide against it. Immediately my heart starts to pound, I press on my blatter and I start to gag. I have a terrible gag reflex when it comes to spiders. I finish my business, jump to the right to avoid contact, then pull up my pants, wash my hands and run out of the bathroom. My eyes are watering and I am gagging. The bathroom is right here in the front office. So as I exit, all of my coworkers see me. And one says "That's pretty bad that you made your own self gag, I'm avoiding that bathroom" *SNORT*
I grab "stupid boy" and tell him that I need him in the bathroom. He says "please don't make me clean up an overflowed toilet. Especially if it's so bad that it made you gag yourself"
ROFLMAO. I tell him there is a tarantula on the wall and he needs to kill it. He enters, looks around, looks around again. He can't find it. OMG, panic. How can I go in there again if it has disappeared? I walk in and there it is. Staring at us thought it's scary spider eyes. How could he miss it? It took up almost the entire wall. *sigh* He killed it. He says it was the size of half a pencil eraser. I say it was a tarantula. *gag*

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blogger Poll

Glow had a very good question today. She wanted to know if she would be staying in my garage when she comes out in June.
So blogland? Does she stay in the garage or do I let her stay in the house?

She can sleep in the back of Michelle's SUV in the garage.
There is earthquake stuff down there so she doesn't need to worry about food, water, toilet paper or playing cards.
She is safe from the planes that could fall out of the sky because she is on the bottom floor of a three story building.
She;ll already be in the car when we get ready to go somewhere so she will always be riding shotgun.
You can hear the tv from the living room when down in the garage.

Upstairs she will have cable tv in her room
a couple of cats to snuggle with
a bathroom within 22 steps of her room

You decide.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Boring update

I don't have much to say, not much to update but Momma is getting pissy about the last post being there for a whopping two days. *grin*

So let's see. *crickets* Um...Hmmmm. I really don't have much to say.

The new receptionist is a 49er fan so I will allow her to stay even though she hasn't complimented my shoes. But one of my pressman complimented my cowboy boots the other day and then wanted to know why I wasn't wearing them today because they would have gone well with my jeans. And he's not even gay.

Football is almost over. I hate when football season is over. *pout* Go Pittsburgh.

I got a new cookbook. It's probably not the best for a diet. It's the Pillsbury Crescent roll cookbook. Like 100 recipes using crescent rolls.

I'm getting my roots touched up on Thursday. That's uber exciting. *yawn*

Ellen Degeneres is making me laugh my ass off today. When she talks about football she is just pee your pants hysterical.

That's it. That's all I got. Not a lot of creativity running through my veins these days. *shrug*

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Important message

I'm still not back but I wanted to post this and Jen (silverstar) said that I could.

Just wanted everyone to know that she is in the hospital for a few days. She has some sort of intestinal infection. Although they thought they knew what it was, I just got off the phone with her and she said that they are not giving her any diagnosis yet. They have her on an IV and food drip for the the infection though. They have taken blood tests and she is still waiting for those results. I'll keep you updated as I get more information from her.

Send your good thoughts to our sweet Jen. I'll pass them along when I get a chance to check my blog and get a chance to talk to her.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This and that

I prefer waffles instead of pancakes.
I prefer oranges over apples but prefer apple juice over orange juice.
I likes grapes and grape juice but not raisins.
I like my meat cooked extremely rare but prefer that my veggies be over cooked.
I prefer white gold over yellow gold.
I prefer brown chocolate over white chocolate.
I don't care for chocolate for the most part but would kill for a brownie or a Tootsie Roll.
I prefer pumpkin pie over apple pie but love chocolate pudding pie very much.
I'm hungry and have PMS.


Monday, January 16, 2006


Momma threatened to post pictures of that dreadful woman if I didn't change the picture in this post. So if the remakrs don't seem to match up with the pictures, that's why. *snort*
So instead, I'll post pictures of my cats. Leo is the orange cat, Poopy is guarding her water and Shug is the one on the bed. I hope this makes Momma happy.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I feel like posting a picture today

I saw this picture and just felt like posting it. Just something new for today's entry.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Why do some people *coughmonstynookie*cough* think we care about their stupid little peep meet. Whatever.

Happy Birthday Glow

I love you muchly and I hope you have a wonderful day. You deserve all the best and I hope this year brings you all the happiness you deserve. Happy Birthday.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I found something to say

I am loving this new receptionist that we just hired. She knows butt kissing better than anyone I know.

Yesterday she asked me how I kept in shape. *snort* Yes, I actually snorted.
My response: I keep my flabby figure by eating mass amounts of carbs and fat. And then I sit on my ass all day and most of the night but I do get out of my chair to have a smoke and to get coffee. It's an easy regime to follow.

Today she said that she really liked my hair. That the colors compliment me and she wanted to know if it was my natural color. *snort* Yes, I snorted again. Probably a louder snort than yesterday.

Now, if tomorrow she brings up my taste in shoes, she will forever be my favorite coworker of all time.


I have nothing to say. What is the world coming to?

Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy Anniversary to me

I just noticed the date. January 9th. I fully came out to my parents 14 years ago today.

Previous to this date they had known about a relationship that I had with a female but "we" all decided it was a phase. I then went back to dating men for a few years. Then once I started seeing women again I just sort of kept that to myself and did not come out to my parents. Because of certain circumstances after I got toegther with Michelle, I was forced to come out to my parents 100%. And that was 14 years ago today. Happy Anniversary to me. Probably not my parent's happiest day. *smirk*

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Waiting for internet man

I just did a whole post and it disappeared. *sigh* Anyhow, I'm bored and waiting for the internet man to come so I'm posting a couple of pics from NYE up at the lake. I never got a pic of the full group, just a few of us. And yes, we are wearing goofy hats. It's tradition.
Pic 1 and 2 are me and Michelle. Pic 3, in between me and Michelle are her brother and his fiance. To Michelle's left is her sister and her boyfriend. The little one is our niece.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Monsty's back

You can find her at the previous link. I've taken over administrator duties so that she can't delete again.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Official break up post

Whew!!!! I've done my best to make this relationship work. But for the past few months you have not been meeting my needs. My first step in making 2006 a better year is to rid myself of relationships that aren't working for me and replace them with ones that do.
I'm sorry to tell you that you have been replaced. As of Saturday January 7th, 2006 you will no longer be my internet provider.
Saturday, between 12pm-4pm Comcast is coming out to install my new high speed internet, hook up my wireless router, get my computer up and running with a new email address AND install my new Comcast DVR.
You served your purpose with me and YES, it is you. NO, it is not that common and YES, speed matters. Goodbye SBCglobal, I am on to bigger and better things.
That really was not as hard as I thought it would be. What else do I need to break up with? I'm on a roll.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What is the time limit on a thread?

I'm sure Augie is laughing her ass off. *snort* I'm not even sure what got into me and made me post to Goldie. I blame Monsty. But really, let the thing die, honey. Now I have to have restraint and not respond to her.
And? HD and Syren are soooo on my bad list now. *evil eye* to both of them. Trying to entice me into posting again. *shakes head*

I think I have TMJ. I have been clenching my jaw like crazy the last couple of days and as a result have a terrible headache that won't go away.

The internet man came out. He said some of the wires were crossed and that MAY have been the problem. He also said that we are too far from the hub and that could also be causing my internet problems. He said that we are so far that if I called today as a new subscriber that they probably wouldn't accept me. Oh??? they had no problem accepting me two years ago. Anyhow, we'll see if he fixed my problems. *crosses fingers*

Our National Anthem

Makes me tear up. Every single time. Except for when Roseanne Barr sang it. Then maybe, but for different reasons.
I have no idea why this song makes me get all choked up. I know all the words but honestly, I don't think I really know what they all mean as a collective gathering of words. I suppose it's just the idea of being proud that gets to me.
*wipes tear* after hearing Leann Rhymes sing it for The Rose Bowl.

Okay. Cookies in Coco's blog. Carry on.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy 2006


Old resolution: Be more positive.
New resolution: Be more positive that a positive attitude is just a set up for more frustration.

Go back to old motto: Expect the worst, then you're prepared.

p.s. things are not as bad as I am making it seem. A string of very petty things all adding up. 2006 definately did not start with the wonderful bang that I had set myself up for. As a matter of fact I didn't even get to countdown to 2006 because that was ruined by a bunch of bullshit.

Rain, fondue and evacuation

Friday's drive to the lake was a wet and rainy one but we got there. Friday night we all hung out at our place playing games, dancing, eating and drinking.
Saturday was pretty uneventful. The rain stopped so we walked around the resort. Did I mention that 2 of the guys at our place were sick? So getting out and getting germfree air was nice for me.
Saturday night started off fine. We all went to Christine's (Michelle's cousin) for our NYE party. We had mostly hor de heuver food because we had eaten a big meal around 4pm. The main attraction on the food table were the fondues and the chocolate fountain. I spent way too much time at the fondue station.
We had the music going, we had drinking games going, we were all having a pretty good time. Fast forward to 11:45pm. All hell broke loose. It's too long and too detailed to get into so I'll spare you but let's just say that none of us got to countdown to midnight, no ball dropping, no Dick Clark, no kisses at midnight. *sigh*
Sunday morning. I slept until 10:45am. Un.heard.of for me. I get up, make a cup of coffee, take some Tums and Advil and try to get over my dizziness. My coffee starts to kick in and off to the bathroom I go. "Oh, um, Carey, we have no water but the toilet does flush". No water? I'll worry about that after I go to the bathroom. I got the last flush.
I walk down to Christine's (in the pouring rain) to see if they have water. Nope. Michelle's uncle says he is going to the store to see what's up. So I head back to our place.
11:30am the phone rings. It's Christine. "Um, the water has been turned off because the lake rose too high, it's not coming back and the lake continues to rise. We need to be out of here in 45 minutes. BTW, 121 is closed and the only way home is through St. Helena and Napa"
*PANIC* 45 minutes to get 8 people at our place packed, clean the place which is a mess and try to get dishes done with no water. Oh, Michelle is still in bed. Poor thing didn't even get any coffee and we're rushing her to get up and ready.
We had to get out because just the day before all of St. Helena and downtown Napa were closed and completely underwater. Yesterday, had we lost water we would have been screwed because there would have been no way to get out of town.
It was an ugly drive home. Rain, fog, landslides, some flooding but we made it. Cut our weekend short. Which may have been a blessing because I heard there were flood advisories and warnings in affect again.