I'm sure that everyone is dying to know.
Body Cleanse 1
Bravie zero
Do NOT waste your money on the GNC complete two day body cleanse. I put aside the entire weekend just to sit in the bathroom. The lady told me not to stray far from home.
I started on Friday. I drank that nasty, thick, green goop, just as told. and then I waited. Excited. Anticipating the parade that was about to happen. And then I waited. And then I waited some more. Okay, so maybe it takes more than one dose. I take my second dose and I waited. Excited. Anticipating. Okay, maybe it takes three doses. So I drank the nasty green, goopy stuff for a third time. and I waited. Excited. Anticipating. And then dose four. And then I went to bed. I knew that as soon as I woke up I would be bursting at the seams. Four doses was surely going to make me explode.
5am came and I woke up. Excited. Anticipating.
At 5:15am I had my coffee. This is certainly going to set things in motion. My morning coffee alone takes care of all things down south. And so I waited. Excited. Anticipating. OH!!! a rumble.
I run to the bathroom. Excited. Anticipating. *sigh* GAS???? That's it? Gas?
5:30am, my second cup of coffee and a dose of the nasty, green, goopy stuff. And I waited. Excited.Anticipating.
9am. Second dose of the nasty, green, goopy stuff. And yes, again, I waited. Excited. anticipating.
Michelle got up and of course her first question was asking how things were. I could tell by the look on her face when she asked that she was waiting, excited, anticipating. I felt horrible having to tell her that I had nothing to report.
Michelle wanted to go out but I told her that the GNC lady told me not to leave the house. So alone I sat there waiting. Excited. anticipating.
Saturday comes and goes and not one damn thing happened. I mean nothing!!!!!
So Sunday I decide that I will wander out. Because now I am determined. Pissed off. and plugged up.
I went to Longs and I bought Ex-Lax and super dieters tea. I rush home to gobble it all up. Wheeeeee. I can't wait. and so I wait. Excited. Antcipating. Nothing.
Frustrated, I asked Michelle to go to the grocery store with me since obviously nothing is going to happen. We take our time, comparing meats and chicken and veggies. We get into line to pay and uh oh. I start to sweat and cramp. "Michelle? we need to get the fuck out of here. Soon"
Of course we hit every single red light on the way home. And I am sweating. Cramping. Worried.
I run in the house full of no more waiting and finally excited at what is about to happen. No more anticipating. Plop. Are you kidding me? A little plop? that's it? ploop. Surely there is more to come. and there I sat, waiting. Excited. Anticipating.
I apparently have the most rock solid stomach on earth. Who can go through two bottles of body cleanse, ex lax and dieters tea and end up with just one little plop? WTF?
This did not work out nearly as I had anticipated.