Monday, July 30, 2007

RIP Bill Walsh

Known as "The Coach". *sigh* *sob*
I'm too sad for words. ETA: This is a shabby picture of an awesome lithograph of The Coach that I have hanging up in my 49er room. The company that I work for printed these lithographs, had them numbered and then Mr. Walsh signed them. I got one of the pre numbered, pre signed litho posters but was happy to have it all the same. It's one of my favorite things that I have in my 49er room. It's the first thing you see when you walk through the door of that room. I felt that he should be the centerpiece of the room because of the immense amount of respect that I have for him and because I believe that he is responsible for putting the 49ers on the map. My respect for him is not just as the coach of the 49ers but as a man. He was a genius of a coach and recruiter but he was a compassionate and caring man who was respected by all. Not only has San Francisco suffered the loss of an icon, so has the football world.
I never got to meet him in person but I was able to stand very close to him a few years ago. Michelle and I went to see Tina Turner in concert. As we got up to the doors, a limo pulled up and Mr. Walsh got out. He was pushing his wife in a wheelchair and I felt that it was disrespectful to approach him. I sort of wish that I had now. It would be nice to tell one of your heros how much they touched your life. RIP Mr. Walsh, you will be missed.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Cheap motel and my hot date

My Friday night hot date started out great. First, we were having trouble finding each other so MM was kind enough to get up on top of her car, nekkid except for some sexy shoes and waving her red shirt at me. that made finding her much easier.
Then we couldn't decide if we wanted to go to dinner first or to the cheap motel first. Luckily, we decided on the cheap hotel. I suppose that it really wasn't cheap. Had we paid for an entire evening instead of by the hour that would have been a fortune.

I'm not one to kiss and tell so we will skip all of the motel activities and just move along to dinner. We went to a very romantic Italian Bistro by the name of TGI Fridays. She told me it was a romantic place so I was all up for it. There we shared our food with each other and talked and talked and talked. Although MM and I do talk frequently, it was nice to get to be face to face. I felt like there was great chemistry and it we were able to talk about so much more and get to know each other even better. We sat in our booth for so long that the hostesses were making it pretty obvious that they would like us to leave. LOL. They really did. So we decided it was time to move along.
After dinner we went and did a little shopping. MM tried on sexy high heel shoes for me and some sunglasses and we just had the one little incident in the dressing room at the clothes store. I just wanted her to tell me how I looked in the little dress that she had picked out for me and I guess that store isn't used to two women being in a dressing room together making that much noise. Ooops.

After shopping we decided to go outside and sit on a bench and enjoy the great weather together. We were so cozy on our little bench. The passerbyers certainly could tell that we were a new couple. One even commented about it being our first date. :)

Then it was getting late and we both had at least an hour drive to get home so we thought we would call it a night. We said our goodbyes and drove off into the sunset. (which had already set about 3 hours before)
I had a great time with MM and can't wait to do it again. She is a great first date and yes, she is as smutty as her blog makes her out to be. That's part of what made her such a great first date.
*smooch* to MM. Thank you for a great, great time. I can't wait until we can do it again. *smooch*

Friday, July 27, 2007

Is it Momma's Birthday?

Refresh my memory. I think today is her birthday. Damnit Momma. I am terrible at these things. Why didn't you say something before? It's your birthday, right?
You are a wonderful friend. You would be a better friend if you had bragged about your birthday coming up and I could have sent you a super duper present. *kick*
I love the Momma and want to wish her a wonderful birthday. *samoooooooch*

Pre weekend randoms

Pre weekend randoms because I may not be around this weekend. I'm thinking of taking a couple of days off. We'll see.

1. I have a hot date tonight with someone who you all know. Hmmm, maybe I will kidnap her and take her with me on my couple of days away. *evil grin*
2. My poor pussy. We took her to the groomer this week and she has been throwing up ever since. This one hardly ever throws up. At first we thought it might be because we changed her food. But nope, still barfing. She got a bath last night and while she was in the tub I leaned over to sniff her. Yes, I sniffed my pussy. Whut? She smelled heavily of some sort of chemical. This morning was the first morning that she didn't throw up. So we are thinking and hoping that she has been throwing up because the groomers didn't rinse her well enough.
3. Did I mention my hot date tonight?
4. I'm not super thrilled with my haircut. She put too many layers in it this time. It took me forever to grow out the layers and now she has added them back. I know that there need to be some layers because my hair is too damn thick not to have them. But this is a bit much. Not happy.
5. Did I mention my hot date tonight?
6. Big Brother is rather boring this year. But I have to watch. I'm not sure why. I still like Dick.
7. I have a hot date tonight. Not sure if I mentioned that.
8. My rating has to have gone through the roof after this post. I said I love Dick and I sniffed my pussy.
9. Think of me around 4:00pm today. I'll be meeting up with my peanut butter date. :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Waiting. Excited. Anticipating

I'm sure that everyone is dying to know.
Body Cleanse 1
Bravie zero
Do NOT waste your money on the GNC complete two day body cleanse. I put aside the entire weekend just to sit in the bathroom. The lady told me not to stray far from home.
I started on Friday. I drank that nasty, thick, green goop, just as told. and then I waited. Excited. Anticipating the parade that was about to happen. And then I waited. And then I waited some more. Okay, so maybe it takes more than one dose. I take my second dose and I waited. Excited. Anticipating. Okay, maybe it takes three doses. So I drank the nasty green, goopy stuff for a third time. and I waited. Excited. Anticipating. And then dose four. And then I went to bed. I knew that as soon as I woke up I would be bursting at the seams. Four doses was surely going to make me explode.
5am came and I woke up. Excited. Anticipating.
At 5:15am I had my coffee. This is certainly going to set things in motion. My morning coffee alone takes care of all things down south. And so I waited. Excited. Anticipating. OH!!! a rumble.
I run to the bathroom. Excited. Anticipating. *sigh* GAS???? That's it? Gas?
5:30am, my second cup of coffee and a dose of the nasty, green, goopy stuff. And I waited. Excited.Anticipating.
9am. Second dose of the nasty, green, goopy stuff. And yes, again, I waited. Excited. anticipating.
Michelle got up and of course her first question was asking how things were. I could tell by the look on her face when she asked that she was waiting, excited, anticipating. I felt horrible having to tell her that I had nothing to report.
Michelle wanted to go out but I told her that the GNC lady told me not to leave the house. So alone I sat there waiting. Excited. anticipating.
Saturday comes and goes and not one damn thing happened. I mean nothing!!!!!
So Sunday I decide that I will wander out. Because now I am determined. Pissed off. and plugged up.
I went to Longs and I bought Ex-Lax and super dieters tea. I rush home to gobble it all up. Wheeeeee. I can't wait. and so I wait. Excited. Antcipating. Nothing.
Frustrated, I asked Michelle to go to the grocery store with me since obviously nothing is going to happen. We take our time, comparing meats and chicken and veggies. We get into line to pay and uh oh. I start to sweat and cramp. "Michelle? we need to get the fuck out of here. Soon"
Of course we hit every single red light on the way home. And I am sweating. Cramping. Worried.
I run in the house full of no more waiting and finally excited at what is about to happen. No more anticipating. Plop. Are you kidding me? A little plop? that's it? ploop. Surely there is more to come. and there I sat, waiting. Excited. Anticipating.
I apparently have the most rock solid stomach on earth. Who can go through two bottles of body cleanse, ex lax and dieters tea and end up with just one little plop? WTF?
This did not work out nearly as I had anticipated.

Monday, July 23, 2007

A moment of silence, please!!!

Yesterday, Michelle had to lay to rest our beloved daisy tree. Really, it was her daisy tree but what is hers is mine. And so, after a short life with us, the tree has gone on to a better place. Please bow your heads and say a prayer and your goodbyes. RIP Daisy tree.

Common sense!!!!!

I think that common sense is a thing of the past. I wish there was a conevenience store for common sense. It's muchly needed. *rolls eyes*
This post brought to you by a frustrated employee who works with someone who quite possibly is the dumbest man on the planet.

Friday, July 20, 2007

So anyhow!!!<--one of my most used phrases

Did you know that I am a mean person? Yep. That's me, a mean person.
Deal with it or move along.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

For MM

My Randoms:

1. I just started to read Geek Love. Holy crap what a fucked up family. But I like it so far.
2. Friday I am going to see my good boss's band play at a club near my house.
3. Saturday morning I start my two day complete body cleanse. Must stay close to home is what the lady at GNC told me. *giggle*
4. I am baking some talapia fish right now. I've never had it before. I hope it's good.
5. I have started a power walk/jogging routine. Started last week. I hate it but have to do it to lose some weight.
6. I leave for Vegas in about 3 weeks. Can't wait.
7. Work is so so. Not as bad as before but still not great.
8. The Giants lost last Saturday but it is the best game that I have been to all year.
9. This is my favorite number so I will end with #9. Plus the timer went off and my dinner is done. :)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Happy Friday the 13th!!!

I love Friday the 13th. Michelle and I got together on a Friday the 13th.
But I don't like the Movies. They skeer me. Me no likey scary movies.

*hops* I'll be at the Giants/Dodgers game tomorrow with my Mommy. She loves when I invite her to games, especially when we are playing the Dodgers. The only thing we disagree on is Barry Bonds. I'm not a fan and she is.
The weather is supposed to be perfect for a day game and I can't wait.
Speaking of baseball, did anyone watch any of the All Star festivities? I think MLB and the city of San Francisco did a wonderful job with everything. I was so proud of how our city and our stadium were portrayed and am so gald that in a small way I got to be a part of it by going to the Fanfest on Sunday. Yay San Francisco. You did me proud last week.

*snort* Some dumb ass lawyer tried to sue the Dykes on Bikes, claiming that they should not be able to patent the name because it was offensive to men. He lost his case. Stupid man.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I didn't eat the chocolate!!!

Nope, not me Mom. I have no idea who is eating the flowers. *innocent look*

Friday, July 06, 2007

A Moonie sighting: Did you see her?

Whew, I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Fun, fun stuff, too. *grin*
Tomorrow we are going to the monthly Flea Market down at De Anza college. We always have a good time. We usually hook up with the family there and make a day of it. After that we are going to Michelle's parents house for a little get together for our nephew's 13th birthday.
Saturday night we are going to see the Bay Bombers. Roller Derby has started again and Michelle's sister has two extra tickets. They are playing just around the hillside from us so we are going to check it out.
Sunday we are going to the All Star Fanfest as Moscone Center. I can't wait for that. A huge baseball exhibit and some interactive stuff and a bunch of old timers from back in the day. Michelle isn't excited about this though. But I told her that the Allstar game probably would not return here in our lifetime and I would rather go to the fanfest and have it be a bust than not go and regret it. So she's going, like it or not. *grin*
So what do you have planned this weekend?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Peppermint Patties and Diet 7-UP

I'm not sure if there is a connection or not but Jim has only been back at work one day and already the toilet paper at work has improved. It's like each roll has come to life and grown a second layer. God Bless Jim and his power over the toilet paper.

It was in the mid 70's and sunny at my office. My front door is exactly 14 miles from my reserved parking spot at work. Unfortunately, it's 14 miles north and sits directly under the fog roll. It's freaking cold and foggy here. I'm not blessing Mother Nature. She's a moody bitch.

We need to shave my pussy again. Last summer we shaved her. I posted a picture of how unhappy she was. But damnit, she is all dreadlocky again. Why can't she clean herself regularly like all the other pussies in the world? God bless the mother cats who taught their babies to clean.

Vanilla vodka is the drink made in heaven. God Bless Mr. Smirnoff and Mr. Stoli.

Why doesn't the hair on my legs turn gray like it does in other places on my body? Same goes for eyebrows. That seems very odd to me. I'm not blessing anyone here.

I wonder if the movie Ocean's 14 ever gets made if they will let me join the cast. Robbing casinos looks like so much fun. And I would get to hang out with George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon. I may even let all three of them take advantage of me. God bless Vanilla Vodka.

and finally we get to Peppermint Patties and Diet 7-UP. Because I am sure ya'll have been on the edge of your seats waiting to see what the title had to do with this post. They make terrible bedfellows. It's like brushing your teeth and then drinking orange juice. Bleck. Now I want to go and buy another Peppermint Patti because the first one was ruined. I bet it would have been okay if I had put vanilla vodka in the 7-UP. God Bless Vanilla Vodka.

And Bless Debscapfan. Cuz she dissed Jbug in her blog. And that makes me happy. God Bless Vanilla Vodka.

Have a Safe and Sane 4th everybody. Well, safe anyhow.

Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm still employed

The meeting went as well as could have been expected. It was the lesser of the two options I had hoped for but at least now we have answers. The company has not sold but we are bringing on the old boss as a general manager. I'll still have to work with the owner but basically, I am going to be positive about this because there are still a whole lot of possibilities for the future. So while my job is not back to my "dream job" status as it once was, at least there is a chance that in the future, it can be my dream job again. And partly for that reason, I am staying put for now.
I bet on the proven jockey, riding the injured horse. We'll see how my bet pays off.
Thanks for all of the support from everybody over this loooooong process. Hopefully in a couple of weeks when some things get ironed out, this is going to ease some of the stress that I've been going through.

Big meeting ahead!!!

We are having a staff meeting at 12:30pm today. I guess by the end of the day, I will know if I have a job or not. I have already made a decision for each of the three scenarios that are possible. We'll see. *crosses fingers for either option #1 or option #2*
Option #3 leaves me with no job. *gasp*